Debt collectors are among the most aggressive actors in the legal world, and in many cases, it is imperative to fight fire with fire.

We live in some of the most challenging financial times of a generation, but a collection agency takes no account of the cost of living or even who was at fault or incurring a specific debt. From credit card fees to medical bills, they pursue each case with the same fervor.

That is where legal representation by Ronald Arthur Stearns Sr. PLLC can help. With a track record as a debt collection defense attorney spanning over 26 years, our law firm has helped many clients overcome debt collection issues.

Our law office is open now and can help every new client with legal services to ensure a fair, robust defense. So, if you’re in need of a debt collection defense lawyer without delay, contact us now at 210-853-2135.

Dealing with Debt Collectors

Debt collectors are particularly single-minded, with a focus on retrieving the money owed regardless of additional circumstances. While there are often various steps prior to a client being sued for the amount they owe, a debt lawsuit is always a possibility.

The first step upon notification of a debt collection lawsuit is to respond. Whether you have a valid defense or accept the debt owed, most creditors won’t respond well to being ignored.

Without taking action, debt collection agencies can potentially place levies on bank accounts or lien your home. Neglecting to defend a debt can also result in the original amount owed increasing rapidly, as a debt collector can potentially add interest, court costs, and legal fees.

In most cases, a creditor will give debtors a specific deadline for a response, often dictated by state law.

However, just because you may have a couple of weeks to respond doesn’t mean you should leave it until the last minute. The sooner you contact a debt collection defense attorney, the faster they can ensure fair debt collection, protect your rights and advise the best course of action.

Miss the deadline entirely, and there’s a strong chance of a default judgment. This means that the creditor has essentially already won the case. Not only does this eliminate any chance of having a case dismissed, but it reduces the impact of defense strategies, even with a skilled debt collection defense lawyer at hand.

What To Expect from Debt Collection Agencies

In an ideal world, debts will rarely reach a stage where debt collectors even get involved. However, the world isn’t always ideal, and people may fall behind with their original creditors. From credit card companies to a credit account or auto loan, it’s always possible to fall behind. Sadly, once in debt, it can become increasingly difficult to get out.

A debt collector will often utilize various collection practices and a debt collection lawsuit is often the last resort. However, once an account is passed to a collection agency, it’s usually too late to deal directly with the credit card company or another party.

If possible, work with the new creditors to make an arrangement. If that’s not an option, you may be subject to a discovery request.

Creditor Discovery Requests

A discovery request is part of the legal process and can form part of the debt collection lawsuit. Debt collection practices may include Interrogatories, a Request for Production, or a Request for Admissions. Failure to provide this information within the stipulated deadline can again lead to loss of the lawsuit, with no further opportunities to defend the debt.

While discovery requests do not specifically require the involvement of a debt lawyer, they can make life infinitely easier. At Ronald Arthur Stearns Sr. PLLC we specialize in debt defense and can advise on the best way to approach the money you owe, potentially dealing with creditors in the process and eliminating the need to continue with a lawsuit.

Do You Have to Pay a Debt Collector?

Ideally, clients can reach an agreement with debt collectors to manage the amount owed, sometimes without the involvement of the court.

Even if you admit and accept the debt, you may not have to pay a creditor the full amount. This is particularly pertinent if you’re currently suffering financial hardship. Your defense attorneys can contact the lawyers representing the creditor to potentially reduce the amount owed, remove accrued interest and fees, or potentially drop the lawsuit entirely.

Your attorney will work with you to the full extent of the law to outline your options, spanning everything from making a payment to the debt collector to following through with the lawsuit and working out a payment in court.

Crucially, your attorney will also work to protect your rights. Even if the law may not be on your side, a debt lawyer can help consumers that are being sued to avoid more extreme consequences from a creditor, such as bankruptcy.

How Ronald Arthur Stearns Sr. PLLC Can Help

If you are facing a lawsuit involving an unpaid creditor, you need a debt attorney and our lawyers are on hand to assist with the best possible advice.

Our experienced lawyers immediately disarm some of the most common tactics faced by consumers, such as fear and intimidation.

Many debt collectors are willing to bend the truth on occasion in an attempt to coerce payment. However, our law firm and your assigned attorney will use the powers of both local and federal laws to ensure you only need to deal with legal debt collection methods.

Your Debt Collection Defense Attorneys

Your attorney is on your side. They can even move beyond the scope of defending a lawsuit. They will also assess the case from the other side. If a creditor’s firm is found to have exceeded their legal options or harassed the debtor, your attorney may decide to seek damages which can then contribute to the repayment of the outstanding amount.

Handling Attorney Fees

When under the pressure of debt, the last thing anyone wants to think about when arranging their debt collection defense is attorney fees. The attorney-client relationship with our law office begins from the moment you call and we discuss everything you can expect as the case proceeds.

There we work with clients to understand the circumstances and the actions of a debt collector up to this point. Our defense attorneys will work with the client on the nature of the lawsuit, options to pay the money you owe, and the nature of the creditor involved. From that point, we’ll use experience, expertise, and legal information to begin work on a comprehensive debt defense.

Contact Ronald Arthur Stearns Sr. PLLC Today

If you’re facing the pressure of an upcoming financial lawsuit and you’re worried about the possibilities of losing property or even bankruptcy, we’re on hand and ready to help.

You’re not alone in the fight for fair and equitable debt collection, and we’re standing by to ensure you have access to the full scope of the legal system to assist in your case.

With more than two decades of experience battling debt collection lawsuits, Ronald A. Stearns Sr. gives clients facing legal action the best chance of success. Reach out to our office today at 210-853-2135.