Austin Tax Defense Law Blog

Texas Tax Attorney Defending You and Your Business
Against Aggressive IRS Actions

What are your options for paying your taxes?

Residents of Austin, Texas, know that April 15 is tax day, although this year it falls on April 18. As a result, it’s helpful to know about the different payment options available for paying your taxes. That way, you can

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Catching up with unfiled tax returns

Every tax season, the IRS receives millions of paper and e-filed returns. However, not every taxpayer submits a return, and some Texas residents may fail to file for several years. The willful failure to file a return could lead to

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The purpose of the IRS

For over 100 years, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has handled the collection and administration of taxes to millions of American taxpayers. All income-earning taxpayers are required to submit their tax returns once a year. Taxes must be collected to

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The foreign tax credit

For Texas residents who own property in multiple countries, the foreign tax credit helps to reduce the double tax burden of foreign source income. There are many rules for the foreign tax credit, including how foreign taxes qualify or the

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How to prepare your business for an IRS audit

In Texas, getting audited by the IRS often seems like a nightmare, but if you’re a business owner, it’s something that you should prepare yourself for. The good news is that there are steps you can take to make the

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Income tax differences when moving state to state

Every state and local jurisdiction has a unique collection of tax laws. In some states, the income taxes are more expensive, and in others, there are no income taxes at all. People who move from Texas to another state need

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The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) has expanded

It’s almost tax time again, and you may not want to leave money on the table. Residents of Austin and other nearby areas of Texas may want to learn about recent changes to the tax law for 2022. These changes

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The IRS may perform an audit after issuing a refund

Not every taxpayer receives a refund timely. An audit might delay the deposit, and, in some cases, the audit’s conclusion could leave a taxpayer with a balance, among other woes. A taxpayer may feel relief after receiving a refund at

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