Are you drowning in tax debt and worried about the devastating impact it could have on your financial well-being? The weight of failing to pay taxes can feel overwhelming, leaving you desperate for a lifeline. Relief from tax debt is possible with the help of a skilled tax attorney.

The experienced attorneys at Ronald Arthur Stearns Sr. PLLC have an in-depth understanding of the breadth of programs, approaches, and options available to taxpayers to find relief from their IRS debt. Attorney Ronald Arthur Stearns has over 26 years of experience navigating the complexities of the IRS system and its abatements, debt forgiveness, and tax relief approaches. 

Call Ronald Arthur Stearns Sr. PLLC for a consultation at 1 512-257-0570 to see how he can assist you in avoiding financial ruin and finding a way out of your tax debt.

The Overwhelming Weight of Tax Debt: Seeking a Lifeline

When tax debt starts piling up, it can feel like an insurmountable burden that is impossible to escape. The mounting pressure from collections notices and the fear of impending financial ruin can leave you feeling helpless and stressed. That’s where a tax attorney comes in.

A tax attorney is a legal professional who specializes in tax law and provides assistance to individuals and businesses dealing with tax-related issues. They have extensive knowledge of the complex tax code and understand the intricacies of the IRS’s collection procedures. With their expertise and negotiation skills, they can help lift the weight off your shoulders and provide you with the relief you desperately need.

Penalty waivers, refunds, asset protection, debt forgiveness, and manageable payment plans could all be an option for you. If you are struggling with your tax liabilities, contact Ronald Arthur Stearns Sr. PLLC as soon as possible. The longer you wait to address your tax debt, the more interest and penalties you will receive, and the closer you could get to severe repercussions.

One of the first steps a tax attorney will take is to thoroughly review your tax situation. They will analyze your financial records, tax returns, and any correspondence you have received from the IRS. This comprehensive assessment allows them to understand the extent of your tax debt and identify any potential errors or discrepancies that may exist.

Once they have a clear understanding of your tax situation, a tax attorney will develop a strategic plan tailored to your specific needs. They will work closely with you to gather all the necessary documentation and information to support your case. This may include gathering financial statements, bank records, and other relevant documents that can help strengthen your position.

With a solid plan in place, your tax attorney will then engage in negotiations with the IRS on your behalf. They will use their knowledge of tax laws and their experience dealing with the IRS to advocate for the best possible outcome for you. Some IRS Tax Debt Relief options involve negotiating a reduced tax debt, setting up a payment plan, applying to programs to lower your federal tax debt or even pursuing an offer in compromise, which allows you to settle your tax bill for less than the full amount of taxes owed you.

Throughout the process, a tax attorney will serve as your advocate and guide, providing you with the support and reassurance you need. They will handle your tax return and all communication with the IRS, ensuring that your rights are protected and that you are treated fairly. This can be a tremendous relief, as dealing with the IRS can be intimidating and overwhelming.

A tax attorney can also provide valuable advice and guidance on how to avoid future tax problems. They can help you understand your tax obligations, assist with tax planning, and ensure that you comply with all relevant tax laws and regulations.

When faced with overwhelming tax debt, seeking the assistance of a tax attorney can be a lifeline. Their expertise, negotiation skills, and support can help alleviate the burden of tax debts and provide you with the relief you desperately need. Don’t let tax debt consume your life; reach out to a tax attorney today and take the first step toward financial freedom.

Payroll Tax Collections and the Avalanche of Unpaid Taxes

One of the most common types of tax debt is payroll tax debt. If you’re a business owner who has fallen behind on payroll tax payments, the consequences can be severe. The IRS has the power to levy your business assets, freeze your bank accounts, and even shut down your business. A tax attorney can intervene on your behalf, negotiating with the IRS to prevent such drastic measures and help you devise a plan to pay off your unpaid taxes.

Understanding the Critical Role of a Tax Fraud Attorney

In cases where tax debt is accompanied by allegations of tax fraud, the stakes are even higher. Accusations of tax fraud can lead to criminal charges, hefty fines, and even potential jail time.

You shoul seek the assistance of a tax fraud attorney who can defend your rights and help you navigate the complexities of the legal system. With their expertise, they can mount a strong defense to challenge the allegations and work towards a favorable outcome.

Assessing Your Tax Debt Quandary in Austin

If you’re facing tax debt in Austin, it’s essential to understand the specific laws and regulations that apply to your situation. Each state has its own tax laws and procedures, and a tax attorney who is familiar with the local rules can provide invaluable guidance. They can assess your tax debt quandary, review your financial records, and create a customized plan to help you resolve your tax debt while minimizing your financial burden.

Negotiating Tax Debt Installments: A Glimmer of Hope

When you’re unable to pay off your tax debt in one lump sum, the IRS may allow you to enter into an installment agreement. This arrangement allows you to pay off your tax debt over a specified period, making it more manageable for your budget. A tax attorney can negotiate with the IRS to ensure that the installment agreement terms are fair and reasonable, giving you a glimmer of hope and a path toward financial recovery.

Crafting a Sensible Strategy for Installment Agreements

Creating a sensible strategy for installment agreements requires careful consideration of your financial situation and future prospects. A tax attorney can help you craft a plan that takes into account your income, expenses, and other obligations. By analyzing your unique circumstances, they can ensure that the proposed installment agreement is not only feasible but also realistic, setting you on the path to successfully resolving your tax debt.

The Power of Full Financial Disclosure

When working with a tax attorney, it is crucial to provide them with full financial disclosure. This includes sharing details about your assets, income, expenses, and any other pertinent financial information. By being transparent and forthcoming, you enable your tax attorney to develop an accurate picture of your financial situation. With this knowledge, they can devise the most effective strategies to negotiate with the IRS and help you achieve the best possible outcome.

Pursuing an Offer in Compromise: An Alternative Route

In some cases, it may be possible to settle your tax debt for less than the full amount through an offer in compromise (OIC). An OIC allows you to make an offer to the IRS to settle your debt based on your ability to pay. This alternative route can provide significant relief, but it requires careful preparation and negotiation. A tax attorney can guide you through the OIC process, helping you make a compelling case for your offer and increasing the likelihood of its acceptance.

Navigating IRS Tax Debt Notices and Communications

Dealing with the IRS can be intimidating, especially when it comes to tax debt notices and communications. It’s essential to understand the various types of notices you may receive and how to respond appropriately. A tax attorney can act as your advocate, helping you interpret and respond to IRS communications effectively. They can also represent you in dealings with the IRS, ensuring that your rights are protected and your interests are safeguarded.

Consequences Of IRS Debt

You may originally find yourself in debt with the IRS for several reasons, such as an audit that reveals you underestimated your tax liability and owe more than you initially thought or penalty charges for filing your tax return late or missing an initial payment. Once you owe a tax debt to the IRS, they can employ a range of harsh methods to encourage you to pay and recover your debt owed. 


You could receive penalty charges from the IRS for several reasons, such as overstating your pension contributions, filing your tax return late, or failing to pay your tax bill. Often, these penalties are imposed on a recurrent monthly basis until the error is corrected. These recurrent penalties can quickly mount up and create a substantial financial burden. 


On top of your original tax debt and recurring penalty charges, your tax bill will also be subject to interest for the period your debt is outstanding. Interest will accumulate on your IRS debt on a daily basis while it is unpaid. Generally, the interest rate is the federal short-term rate plus three percent of your debt. 

Wage Garnishment

The IRS has a range of potentially harsh and aggressive methods of debt recovery at its disposal. Garnishing your wages, or wage levies, are one method that can be utilized to recover your unpaid tax bill. In this situation, the IRS will work with your employer to deduct a monthly payment directly from your paycheck before you receive your wages. These deductions can continue until you set up a different means of paying your debt or until your bill is cleared.

Wage garnishing can be embarrassing for a debtor whose employer must be informed of the debt and can also result in financial hardship with such a significant reduction to your monthly take-home pay. 

Federal Tax Liens

Placing a lien against your property is another method of recovering unpaid taxes for the IRS. A federal tax lien is a court judgment against your personal property, real estate, or financial resources. This judgment states the government’s legal claim to your property, personal or business, as a means of recovering your tax debt. 

If you liquidate an asset or sell real estate with a lien against it, you will need to pay your tax debt out of your portion of the sale and satisfy all outstanding liens on the property. Alternatively, the property buyer can pay off the lien alongside their purchase. 

Having a lien against your assets does not mean that the IRS will imminently seize and sell the property. For an asset to be seized and sold, your lien must be converted to a levy. If you do not work with the IRS to settle your tax debt, a levy may be enforced against your property. This is the legal right to seize your property to satisfy your debt. In this situation, the IRS could seize assets such as cars, wages, bank accounts, or real estate. 

Methods Of Tax Debt Relief

Tax debt can be a significant financial burden and source of concern. However, many people are unaware of how many potential options for tax debt relief may be available to them. With the help of a tax professional, you may be able to access penalty waivers and refunds, IRS fresh start program initiatives, and payment plans to reduce the burden of your tax payments. 

Penalty Abatement 

The IRS offers penalty abatement waivers in several situations which could apply to your circumstances. If eligible, a penalty abatement will remove a penalty charge you have received from the IRS and any associated interest. Specific penalties, such as failure to file and failure to pay, could be eligible for a first-time penalty abatement if you have a history of tax compliance with the IRS. 

Similarly, you could receive a penalty abatement if you can argue that you had reasonable cause for the error. For example, the IRS might waive your penalty if you received incorrect advice from a competent tax professional that led to error, if your records were destroyed due to a flood or fire, or if you were unable to determine your tax owed for reasons beyond your control.

Additional penalty abatements, such as administrative abatements, may also be applicable to your circumstances. If you have received a penalty charge, it is beneficial to look into your abatement eligibility with the help of an attorney before paying the fees. 

Penalty Refunds

If you have already paid a penalty charge and now think you might have been eligible for an abatement, an attorney can help. Penalty charges can be significant sums of money and may leave you out of pocket or with financial concerns. If you realize you have paid a penalty when you could have applied for penalty relief, you may be able to request a refund from the IRS. 

An attorney can help you retrospectively apply for an abatement for a penalty fine and request a refund of the funds you paid. Generally, the IRS does not publicize that you can request your penalty payments back. However, an attorney can help you identify where this may apply to your situation and successfully navigate the application process. 

Spousal Relief

A spouse may be eligible to claim two different types of spousal tax debt relief from the IRS. Depending on your circumstances, you could apply for innocent spouse relief or injured spouse relief. 

Even if you later divorce your spouse, you are responsible for any tax debt and penalties from a joint tax return unless you qualify for relief. You can apply for innocent spouse relief to remove your liability for tax debt incurred from errors made by your spouse on a joint tax return. Provided that a joint tax return was filed and you were unaware of the mistakes made by your spouse, you could be eligible. 

The other option for spousal relief from tax debt that you could claim is injured spouse relief. You may be able to recover your share of a tax refund if the refund from a joint tax return was withheld by the IRS to cover your spouse’s debt.

Offer In Compromise

An offer in compromise is one of the most effective and understandably most popular methods of tax relief. If you are approved for an offer in compromise, this IRS tax debt forgiveness program allows you to negotiate and reduce the overall amount of tax debt that you owe to the IRS. If successful, this initiative will settle your tax debt for less than you originally owed. 

To be accepted for an offer in compromise, the IRS will re-evaluate your financial means, income, assets you own, and your outgoings and expenses. During this process, the IRS aims to establish if your current tax bill is beyond what you will reasonably ever be able to repay in your current financial situation. Other factors, such as your health and retirement status, may also influence the decision. 

You will need to provide a compelling argument and evidence of your living expenses that impact your financial situation in your application. These can include household utilities, loans and credit card debt, food, medical costs, and clothing. If your application is accepted, your total payment amount will be reduced. Your attorney will then work with you to establish a payment plan for this new, lower amount. 

While you are being evaluated for an offer in compromise, your penalties and interest will continue accumulating on your debt. Hiring an attorney to assist you with the application process can result in a faster process and ultimately reduce the time you accrue further charges on your tax bill. 

Installment Agreement

An installment agreement allows you to negotiate a realistic payment agreement with the IRS over a longer period, as opposed to paying a large lump sum. Once you have agreed to an installment agreement with the IRS, you will not be subject to harsh debt recovery methods such as property liens. The IRS has total debt thresholds and eligibility criteria for installment agreements. A tax professional can help you understand if this approach could help you manage your tax debt. 

The IRS Hardship Program

To apply for the hardship program, the IRS will conduct a similar review as an offer in compromise into your financial situation, including your income and assets and daily living costs. If your application is successful, you will be awarded currently non-collectible status, which can stop the IRS’ collection activity against you. 

The hardship program differs from an IRS debt forgiveness program in that your tax bill will not be forgiven under this initiative, and you are still required to pay your debt. However, with currently non-collectible status, you are protected from some of the harsher methods of debt recovery, such as liens and wage garnishment. 

Safeguarding Your Financial Future: IRS Installment Plans

Entering into an IRS installment plan is a significant step towards safeguarding your financial future. By adhering to the terms of the installment agreement, you can gradually eliminate your tax debt while avoiding harsh collection measures. However, it’s important to stay diligent and fulfill your obligations. A tax attorney can provide guidance and support, helping you navigate the complexities of the installment plan and ensuring that you stay on track toward financial stability.

Common Pitfalls to Dodge in Negotiations

When negotiating with the IRS, there are common pitfalls that you should be aware of and strive to avoid. Some of these pitfalls include failing to fully understand the consequences of certain actions, underestimating the IRS’s power, and being unprepared during negotiations.

By working with a tax attorney, you can sidestep these pitfalls and approach negotiations with confidence. Their experience and knowledge can help you achieve the best possible outcome while protecting your rights and financial interests.

How Can I Negotiate Debt Forgiveness With The IRS?

The most important step to negotiating tax relief options with the IRS is hiring an experienced tax attorney. A skilled attorney familiar with the programs and initiatives available from the IRS could leverage several methods to secure effective tax debt relief. 

An attorney may be able to negotiate the total amount of debt that you owe and achieve a lower overall tax settlement. Similarly, they might be able to have a wage levy against your income released or have your penalty charges and associated interest waived by the IRS. 

Legal representation can further protect you and your assets by applying to have a lien against ineligible property removed or developing a payment plan that results in a withdrawal of a property lien. 

Having a skilled tax attorney by your side also increases your likelihood of acceptance of an offer in a compromise or installment agreement. Not only will an attorney increase the chances of a successful outcome, but their legal advice can also ensure that the application process is more efficient and smooth. In turn, this could reduce the amount of time you are accruing further penalties and interest on your debt. 

The Peace and Security That Only Professional Tax Assistance Can Bring

The path to relief from tax debt can be a challenging and complex journey. But with the help of a professional tax attorney, you can find peace and security amidst the chaos. A tax attorney brings a wealth of knowledge, resources, and experience to the table, giving you the best possible chance of resolving your tax debt and avoiding financial ruin. Don’t face the burden of tax debt alone; seek the assistance of a tax attorney and take the first step towards a brighter financial future.


Q: How much does it cost to hire a tax attorney?

A: The cost of hiring a tax attorney can vary depending on several factors, such as the complexity of your tax debt situation and the attorney’s experience and reputation. It’s important to discuss fees and payment arrangements with your tax attorney beforehand, ensuring that you have a clear understanding of the liability and the costs involved.

Q: Can a tax attorney help me if I already have a payment plan with the IRS?

A: Yes, a tax attorney can still be beneficial even if you already have a payment plan with the IRS. They can review your existing plan and assess its effectiveness, ensuring that it aligns with your financial goals. If necessary, they can also negotiate modifications to the plan, such as lowering monthly payments or extending the repayment period.

Q: What happens if I ignore my tax debt?

A: Ignoring your tax debt can have severe consequences. The IRS has powerful collection tools at its disposal, including wage garnishment, bank levies, and property seizures. Additionally, interest and penalties when you owe taxes will continue to accrue on your tax debt, increasing the overall amount you owe. It’s essential to take proactive steps to address your tax debt and seek professional assistance if needed.

Q: Can a tax attorney help me if I’ve been charged with tax fraud?

A: Yes, a tax attorney is essential if you’ve been charged with tax fraud. Tax fraud charges carry serious penalties, and navigating the legal system without professional help from an experienced tax attorney can be extremely challenging. A tax lawyer can assess the evidence against you, challenge any weaknesses in the government’s case, and work towards mitigating the charges or securing a favorable resolution.

Q: How long does it take to resolve tax debt with the help of a tax attorney?

A: The timeframe for resolving tax debt with the help of a tax attorney can vary depending on several factors, such as the complexity of your case, the amount of tax debt owed, and the cooperation of the IRS. While it may take time to resolve your federal tax debts, working with a tax lawyer can expedite the process and increase the likelihood of achieving a favorable outcome. Patience and open communication with your lawyer are key during this process.

Don’t let tax debt push you to the brink of financial ruin. Seek assistance from Ronald Arthur Stearns Sr. PLLC and explore the relief options available to you. With his guidance and expertise, you can navigate the complexities of tax debt and find a path toward financial stability and peace of mind. Take control of your financial future today by calling 1 512-257-0570.

Yes, there is a deadline of three years placed on the audit reconsideration process. So, you have just three years from the date you filed the original tax return to submit a request to have your IRS audit reconsidered. However, we recommend speaking with an attorney about filing a request as soon as possible if you believe there has been a mistake in your audit results.

Yes, you should continue to make payments on your tax liabilities while waiting for the results of your audit reconsideration. If you do not make payments during this time, you could accrue penalties and interest on your taxes or become subject to collection actions by the IRS, such as wage garnishments, liens, or levies.

No. Usually, taxpayers should file a petition in the tax court before submitting an audit reconsideration request, if they disagree with the IRS findings. Your attorney may also discuss your concerns with the IRS auditor to seek clarification on issues or request a supervisor review before submitting an audit reconsideration request.

Going through an IRS audit is extremely worrying, particularly if it leads to you owing more money. You may need to pay additional taxes, penalties, and interest, which can cause significant financial strain on you and your family. When you are confused about a tax increase and believe that you should not have a higher burden, this can cause even more strain.

If you were subject to an IRS audit and were not happy with the findings, contact Ronald Arthur Stearns Sr. PLLC today. He has an in-depth understanding of IRS tax law and has helped many clients in similar situations to yours. He can help you assess your options, figure out whether an audit reconsideration is the best option in your case, and fight on your behalf.

With almost thirty years of litigation experience representing Texas taxpayers, he has the skills necessary to secure a favorable outcome in your case. He knows taxpayers are often taken advantage of, and he wants to do what he can to protect your interests.

With an A+ Better Business Bureau Rating (BBB) and multiple awards and recognitions, you know you are being represented by the best with Ronald Arthur Stearns Sr. PLLC.

Protect your rights during an audit by contacting our law firm today! Call 210-853-2135 to schedule an initial consultation.